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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


the front page of the press democrat goes a little something like this.

1. Nationwide job cuts. North Bay Home Depots closing

2. Global warming is worse than scientists had feared. It'll take roughly 1000 years to restore pre-industrial carbon monoxide levels. Drought, sea level rising, etc. etc.

3. A water shortage that is going to require strict conservation due to lack of rainfall. No more washing your car at home. A set number of loads of laundry per person and set shower times.

4. Octuplets are born in L.A. kicking and screaming. Two of the babies are 1 lb and will require unnatural measures to keep them alive. The babies were delivered through a c-section.

does anyone else notice something wrong here? How about we knock three of the motherfuckers off and round it down to a manageable 5. fucking octuplets. where do you get off having 8 kids at once. or at all for that matter.


boozin sarandon said...

determined sperm

Charles Sparkley said...

the real kicker is that the lady has had 6 kids prior to the near litter (octuplets)... so this lady has more then a dozen rug rats.... think of all that shit